AIRF Vol. 23. The Roman Middle Republic. Politics, Religion and Historiography C. 400-133 B.c.

Rome 2000
Esaurito – Out of Print
ISBN: 952-5323-00-5

G. Forsythe, The Roman Historians of the Second Century B.C.

R.T. Ridley, Livy and the Hannibalic War

C. Bruun, «What every man in the street used to know»: M. Furius Camillus, Italic legends and Roman historiography

T.J. Cornell, The Lex Ovinia and the Emancipation of the Senate

M. Humm, Spazio e tempo civici: riforma delle tribù e riforma del calendario alla fine del IV secolo a.C.

K. Sandberg, Tribunician and Non-Tribunician Legislation in Mid-Republican Rome

M. Torelli, C. Genucio(s) Clousino(s) prai(fectos). La fondazione della praefectura Caeritum

J. Cels Saint-Hilaire, Citoyenneté et droit de vote: à propos du procès des Scipions

F. Coarelli, Il Lucus Pisaurensis e la romanizzazione dell’Ager Gallicus

J. von Ungern-Sternberg, Eine Katastrophe wird verarbeitet: Die Gallier in Rom

K.-J. Hölkeskamp, Fides-deditio in fidem-dextra data et accepta: Recht, Religion und Ritual in Rom

J.E. Vaahtera, Roman Religion and the Polybian politeia

T.P. Wiseman, Liber: Myth, Drama and Ideology in Republican Rome